Saturday, September 27, 2008

I've lost it

I don't know what has gotten to me after I freaked while using my friend's MAC, IT WAS COOL... The experience was just exuberating... Ahhh... how I wished I had one!

Dawn was silent through the hallway,
the cleaner knew :this was a good day,
Oh me, oh my, oh please, help thy,
as he heard the first child painfully cry.

"This child had lost his teddy",
muttered the guard regretfully,
He vowed to search what was mine,
and began his quest in time.

Then the first bus rushed in,
oh no, please not the Din,
the cleaner had his fill of trouble,
and swiftly searched on the double.

Little kids all sweetly dressed,
they are cute but turn to pests,
spare me the noise oh Almighty one,
my life is ending but this day had just begun!

He searched the washrooms and everywhere,
flipped over tables and whatever was there,
he saw the slightest brown in a corner,
"thank you oh thank you, you've answered my prayer!"

He rushed back to see the child once more,
"here you are my trouble-making eye sore!"
the child smiled with glee and ran away,
"thanks, old man, see you another day!"

The place was now brimming with brightness,
"this day, oh please don't get any worse!"
the cleaner grumbled at the cafe,
as he watched the pesky children play.

This day did get worse no doubt,
the children were running about,
they knocked over the pot and pan,
and when they realised it, THEY RAN!

As the cleaner washed the floor,
the head popped in and saw,
"this mess is a mess,and shouldn't be left, leave!!!"
and fired the poor old man with one huge heave.

That ended the man and his life,
for he chopped his head with a knife,
though he hated his job and hated the children,
but died in peace for he finished the kitchen.

Haha... I tried to write a nice funny one for once, I do hope you like it...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Random stuff...

Ok.. I am using my friend's Mac... I feel so privilledged!!! I have always wanted to type on a MAC!! Haha... Ok... Because I am using her keyboard, I have a few typo-errors. Don't blame me, also, due to time constraint, and politeness, I will not do any poems because it takes up alot of time. Like 15min or so... but yeah... Soo... I will tell you that i nearly updated her blog instead of mine, how stupid can a EVIL genius get?!

Well, I gotta go, I will either update it later, or tomorrow...

Taa taa!

Doctor Psycho Duck
EVIL genius.

P.S. look at my pictures ad polls. I want your feedback!

P.P.S. Hope to receive more emails from you guys!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I give up! I have the wierdest English language cum English Literature teacher EVER (His name is Mr Zahari, so you could probably guess my country)! He first asks me for my address(he knows it) and then he asks me for my birthday so that he can give me an "ear-digger" to dig my ear-shit. I know I misheard a few words like "press" and other words I will not mention, but still. Why do you need to know my human birthdate?!

Anyway, I don't know what title to use, so... On with my poem... I think...

The night turns silent,
the grey abyss compliant,
the time has come,
dawn falls, all is done.

The frigid ice swoops around,
bringing all to the ground,
snow so black,
noon has left, guess who's back?

The shadow creep the floor,
hoping to devour more,
the silent speaks all,
dusk is here, run or fall!

The mountains listen to cries,
the lake once life now dies,
the flora and fauna hide,
come dusk, listen and abide.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

the EARTH?

So... Anyone wants to contribute an idea? I don't think so... Oh well...

I have just lost my poetry inspiration... So don't blame me if I write crap... yeah...

He's not anyone,
he's a someone,
though short and stubby,
but young and grubby.

She's not cold,
she's just old,
though wrinkled and tired,
but lazy and fired.

I'm not silent,
I'm just independant,
though fatigued and lonely,
but energentic and lovely.

You're not cupid,
You're just stupid,
though shallow and idiotic,
but admirable and optimistic.

We're not heroes,
We're just peoples,
though small and incapable,
but strong and able.

Just take it that way,
and hey!
Wadd'ya know,
the earth's still whole!

So... that ends my speech (poem) for mother earth. I really recomend you look at my blog list. It has only one link, because that is the most worth going to. It belongs to my scientist friend, who cares about ducks and the earth that we all live in.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The wonder

I think I will continue with my poems. Since I get loads of comments about them. hehe..

I wonder what lies beyond,
the line that runs along the sea,
the glitter that peers down,
the silence in the night.

I wonder what lies beneath,
the bud that blooms,
the grass that grows,
the fish that fly.

I wonder what lies here,
I ponder why this is,
I see the world so pure,
I hold the power to breathe...

Aww... man! I can't write a very decent poem today... I am so sorry... I can't help feeling somewhat guilty... I don't normally feel this way ever since I became so much LESS observant about human activities.

I don't hear as well anymore and my right ear has a large... large...

I don't really know what it is, but it is oily/wet and it is hard and it hurts everytime I try to peel it off... It doesn't sound like a pimple, more like a really dried ear-shit. Which is also impossible because it is wet/oily...

This is so unscientific... This is so... wierd... I have to get a PHD for biology or something like that... Oh well... Keep sending in your comments and troubles and anything else I can try to help you with...

Oh yeah make sure to check my blog frequently, I'll give some hints on my MOTTO...

Next thing. My previous poem.

I'm trying, obviously, to describe someone(Let's take a random name... Damien) leading another(Another random name... Diana) (probably a lover) into depths of life. but Diana gets lost and is helpless. Damien tries to find her but it is dark (like life, totally unfair)... He continues to search no matter what. Finally dawn breaks and he can see. He can now search for Diana more effectively.

Moral of story(poem, whatever!) : Life is hard, but if you have someone to guide you through it, It's not so bad. This someone can be anybody... Yeah?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Unable to IDEAralise

So... I don't have any emails from many people. So far...

This day is really long and draggy. I feel so... So... Time flies... I am already outta ideas- not the first time, but... - yeah... (Ooh! Ooh! I got one! Time flies like an arrow! Fruit flies like a banana!) I am really outta jokes... fine... Poetry? Okie- dokie!

Lost beneath the horizon

Hold my hand,
let frigid wind take us,
like a cold winter's day,
you shiver and I be there.

Call for me then,
as the earth trembles,
and in moments uncounted,
I will rendezvous with you.

Search the woods,
impossible to find,
reaching high and low,
like reaping fruits of the tree.

Peer beyond the horizon,
what awaits but dawn,
slowly gold glitters on a bed,
surely I can see you now.

If you can't see the meaning behind it, then I won't blame you. Fine... fine... If you really can't see it, I'll describe it. IN MY NEXT POST!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Problem encounters

Okay, I know I haven't posted in like, 10++ days. I am a busy duck... I am trying to put a tagboard on my blog (it always gets errors!) I am also trying to upload music onto my blog, to make it more entertaining...

I know I am very "out" in human technology. I don't really know how it works so don't blame me!

So... updates yah?

I am going to (hopefully) dedicate jokes for the rest of the month. So, I have one right now!

My dad used to tell me that the reason humans name the game "golf" was because it was a very VERY frustrating game because the elements affect the results and the ball won't go in the direction you want it to (most of the time)... So because the game was so frustrating (and people still play it) and because the word "FU(K" was already invented and used for something else, that's why it is called "GOLF" (it still has an "F" in it!)...

Now, I am going to continue this joke...

When humans call stupid people making stupid mistakes they normally say : "You goof! Stop GOOFING UP!" Yah? So because these kind of people just make you want to puke, and because the words "FU(K" "GOLF" "GOOSE (you normally don't call stupid people DUCK right?!) " were already taken, they decided to combine the words to become "GOOF" a combination of the world's most frustrating sport(golf) and the world's stupidest(in my perspective) BIRD (goose)!!!

Yah? cool eh? English is a very fascinating subject! Don't study it for the sake of studying! You should brighten up everything you study about. Like Geography.

Geography is called this way because they consist of many lines (like graphs) I don't really know what the "geo" is... but I am hoping you'll see my point. So. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to email me.

P.S. I hope that you'll remember my email (if not, check my previous posts)... Taa taa for now!

P.P.S. Ik-kyuu-nyuu-kon! (one shot to your SOUL)

P.P.P.S. Ecstacy! ( I've gone mad...)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Miss me?

I know all miss me. Since I haven't posted in 3 days. I was having the last bit of fun from the last 3 days of my holidays. Back to paperwork and all that. I do hate it when school starts. It is awfully ridiculous, especially for INTELLIGENT ducks (LIKE ME!)... I suppose humans only bother learing things to get an advantage over one another. They should learn how to appreciate their knowledge, not just by thinking their better because they know more than others.


You should stop all this competition. No good. You should enjoy this knowledge by appreciating those who don't know as much as you.

Talking about knowledge, just so you know,

I am only one duck!

I don't have alot of people doing this blog, so stop thinking that I am 2-7 different persons(BTW, I am a DUCK!) ok?

Yeah... Life, is full of knowledge, I'll tell you one thing, My last wish in life, is to die with alot of knowledge and then I will carve it out(or write) to let alot of people know of what I have learnt, after all, learning is a joy, just how, where and if you appreciate it or not.

So, no poems, I am still pissing (damn angry, seriously) and I don't have any inspirations. so... drop me a mail, if possible. (about 3 years old) (NEW!) (New-ER!)

If there are any other email addresses I can create, then, good. I created so many is because some are hard to remember.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


All who know me will fear me. For I, Doctor Psycho Duck am the world's greatest duck! I am...

I have no idea what to post about... I need your suggestions, people... Well... The hungry ghost festival is over, that is for sure. I hope you remember that I am a BEAST. I am sure all have forgotten about it after that mesmirising month of MY beautiful poetry (lol) ...
And the musical session is in town! The Musical Notez just dropped into town and I am waiting to hear their music. It's no fun being EVIL all the time. However, you should listen to them. They play "The Phoenix Phlight" and the "Leaping Leprachorn" and "Yippee yay Yai !" And loads more! My favourite is, of course the "Spring feast of doom" I made them sing the song. It was nice, since I wrote it and this is my song!
It was the song, if you remember, the one we heard at the opening of the Spring Onion Feast! I actually had them sing it... I am gooooood!
So... No EVIL plans. No inspirations for poems. No posts everyday for this month. I'll be busy trying to think of what to do on my posts, so I won't post everyday like in August.
Doctor Psycho Duck,
Secret Private Name,
Royal and loyal servant of the Supreme Commander,
(You know the rest)...
And plans to take over the world with ELECTRONIC RUBBER DUCKIES! (Mua ha ha)
Good luck with dying!
I am extremely bored,
email me at :
if you have anything to say to me.
Don't send rubbish to me!
Tank (I hope it runs over you) you all!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Yes... I promised! I will write a decent poem for all today... So, I'll get started on it right now. It is quite short... I can't help it. This is the most decent poem I can come up with in 5 minutes before I go to bed. What can I do?!

As deep as wide oceans,
waves leaping far and wide,
merry fishes dive to see,
the eternal hope burns.

As far as the wide plains,
swaying in the breeze,
merry grass glitter with dew,
the eternal bliss touches.

As high as the mountains,
peering down at the ground,
merry clouds float by,
the eternal joy climbs.

As warm as an embrace,
so cozy and sweet,
merry ones toss fear away,
the eternal love spreads.

Monday, September 1, 2008

1st September!

Haha! FINALLY! I have had a comment saying that I should continue my poetry, I don't know for how long, so I'll take it that you like my poetry... I will, of course... But I need to stay EVIL, you know. The world doesn't revolve around you HUMANS, you know?!

So, about my recent events. I recently visited the Createn's Port. I got to see how those Earthy BEASTs trade with others. Quite fascinating, by what they trade... And, can you imagine, who names a country "Ice Ball"?! Stupid people, really... But since it is very far north, and it is rounded, I suppose it IS okay to call it "Ice Ball"... Have I told you about Gian's Island... Oh yeah... That was the meeting place for the operation... Well... I can't think of a decent poem, since I'm celebrating the 1st of September. But I promise, on my next post, I'll share a very nice poem with you...

Oh yeah...

If you don't feel like sending me an e-mail, then by all means, don't! I don't usually go into my email everyday. just once every 3-4 days... Just drop a comment and I'll see if I can help you...