Thursday, July 31, 2008

One more day to destruction!

ONE MORE, just one more DAY!!! I can't wait! I am getting all tingly... Hehe... On the day of the eclipse, I will rain terror on all of you(those in the UMBRA region) and rid the UMBRA region of all of you!!! Hahahahaha...

Operation Vampire :

Operation Vampire will require your help, Dakota... Yes... I need to gather all bats, leeches, fleas, mosquitoes(especially deadly ones), viperpuss, vampiriery and Vampires... That means, no sleeping in the day!
This post is quite done... I don't have anything else to talk about...
How about I talk about my newest spring onion? Yes!

Ducky Spring Onion :

This special type of spring onion has duck flavouring(Bi-ducky phosphate and sodium cloriducky)...
With all the natural flavours, it is good for omnivores, carnivores and even herbivores. It tastes like raw duck when eaten raw.
Tastes like roasted duck when roasted, tastes like steamed duck when steamed, tastes like fried duck when fried, tastes like deep fried duck in batter when deep fried in batter AND!

Tastes like PEKING duck "PEKINGed"!
Cool huh?

Ingredients :
SPRING ONION, bi-ducky phosphate, sodium cloriducky, monopotassiducky, mono unsaturateducky, vegetables, magnesium chloroducky, carbon di-ducky, Fluoriducky.
I have finally created the most tasteful spring onion! Good luck avoiding this one!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I have no idea why I can't stop being EVIL for one day! I need to be EVIL!(sound familliar, huh?) This is my second post for the day... I am very pissed... I don't know why... I just feel like draining the HELL outta someone, or something... Like a vampire... Vampire... That gives me an idea...
Well... Since Project Blue Cosmo was an utter disaster, since I have no idea where to launch our rockets in order to protect ourselves from hitting the moon(the total solar eclipse is coming soon)... Just in case... Since it will be dark for 3 mins, I may just be able to reek HAVOC when the eclipse occurs... Only in the UMBRA AREA, of course... By using vampires, I can use them to suck your blood while you amaze yourselves at the eclipse(though most countries won't see it)...
When all your blood is gone, you will cease to exist! Hahahahaha...

Just so you know, because of the solar eclipse, I will have to postpone that suntanning sessions with the Mountain tortoise(s)... No nagging at me about how my sunglasses look on me... Ha ha!

The umbra region, so you know, is the region of which some spots will be in the region of the shadow of the moon. The Pelumbra region is like a lighter shadow... But it is still considered as a place where the eclipse will occur...

THE SOLAR ECLIPSE, btw, IS ON THE 1st August... This Friday... The day the countries in the umbra region will die!!!

The Spring Onion Feast

It was a BLAST! I had so much fun watching Maria stuff her mouth with ALL THAT SPRING ONION! She could barely talk after that "SPRING ONION CHOMP CONTEST"!!! I won! Haha! Obviously, birds don't chew, we swallow. I swallowed and swallowed and won! My tummy feels full, though... I kinda overdid that "Debis Peak EXOTIC FLAVOURED Sprrring Onion"... However, it was kinda exoticLY flavoured... It had a twisted TANGG at the end... Better than normal mainland spring onions...
Have you ever tried the different types of spring onions found in the BEASTs World?
There is:
Mainland Spring onion
Island Spring onion
Debis Peak EXOTIC FLAVOURED Sprrring Onion
Flamy Flakes Spring onion(SPICY!)
200 year-ol' Springey oniony'(and they are 200 years old)
Medical spring onion
Snow Spring onion(I don't get the name...)
Sword-Spring onion
Superior breed Spring onion
ParsPring onion (like parsley+spring onion, they are anyway...)
Diamond Spring onion(mined from spring onion mines!)
Cloudy spring onion(they grow on clouds, I like the amount of water they have in them)
Metal spring onion(a pain to chew, though I don't really chew...)
CactusPring onion (they grow in deserts and are pricky!)
Light bulb spring onion(they light up like light bulbs!)
Starry spring onion(they are starry)
That just about ends the different types of spring onions we have in the world of BEASTs...
I tell ya', next year, I will get all(especially you, Maria) to eat my newest breed of spring onions,
DUCKY Spring Onion
Cool huh? It will taste like ducks, only without the meat and BLOOD...
I am not going to be EVIL today, thank your kind soul who will spare your misery for another day!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The discussion at Plae's Plight

At Plae's Plight, I announced to all ducks, Komodos, Lizards, salamanders and whatnots(including the two-headed ratvipers) that Project Blue Cosmo will take place at 0900 hours. Please be punctual, the launch preperations like loading of cargo and materials will begin at 1300 hours. We launch at 1426 hours... Don't be late!
From space, we will enter the infamous Debris Belt and alter its course by means of magnetic thingamajigs. The Debris will change course and the world will be eating DEBRIS for dinner and FOREVER! Hahahahaha!
Now, I would like to stress that I am NOT, I repeat, I am NOT A MAD SCIENTIST! I am just an EVIL genius with huge issues... Like I said, I am a Doctor, I am a Psycho, I am a DUCK.

That ends my psychotic speech of INjustice in the human world... Thank you for listening...

Oh yes, before I forget, tomorrow is the SPRING ONION FEAST! Hip hip hooray! I hope to see you guys there, especially you, Maria... You can't escape this one... Mua haha...

Doctor Psycho Duck,
Royal and Loyal servant of the Supreme Commander Of BEASTs,
Head Strategist of the Supreme Coucil of BEASTs,
An EVIL GENIUS WHO LIVES IN A POND(filled with mountain tortoise(s)),
And plans to take over the world with electronic RUBBER DUCKIES...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Weekends cum plans

Who doesn't like weekends? If you don't, you must be the greatest idiot in the world, and I HATE idiots! Yes, all idiots should DIE! Perhaps, I should kill all idiots(or who I thinks are idiots) first! Yes! And, BTW, killing idiots is NOT part of my plan!

As you know, I have once again tried to take over the HUMAN world... With an ingenius plan called : Project Blue Cosmo!!!
The plan is simple, we will alter the course of the debris belt in space, and send it whizzing through down to earth, provided we have the materials... I don't think we do... But... I will discuss it when we meet at the Gates Of Knowledge, in other words, see you on Plae's Plight!
You know, that ultra thick gate around Plae's Plight, suppossed to guard The Breek? The little island in the middle of the Sea Of Knowledge? Just ask the Komodos, They otta' know... Taa taa!

Friday, July 25, 2008

My upcoming EVIL scheme... Muahaha!

I would like to stress one more time, ONE MORE! And that's it! I am EVIL! YES I AM! I want to take over the HUMAN world only! I am HIGH enough where I stand in my world!
Finally... Some EVIL PLAN has entered my drawing board that I will take into action! It is called Project High-rise... No wait, that was the wrong one...
Project Blu... B... BLU... BLU SOMETHING!
I GOT IT! Project Blue Cosmo! Yes, yes! Ingenius, isn't it?! That name even strikes fear in my heart! Imagine what will happen when I make this word(s) GLOBAL!!!
Now, what should I do for PROJECT BLUE COSMO?

Well, I just thought of the name... It had to be something striky! I found the name, now for what to do...


I can't think of anything nice! I mean EVIL! YES, EVIL!!! SH!T this D*MN ^%$#*&$^%#, I am so...!!! URGH!!! I hate this!

Eitherways, Thank you for tuning into DOCTOR PSYCHO DUCK's blog, and I will see you again!

I hope to see you guys at the spring onion feast! It's gonna be a blast!!!


Whoever said that life was easy? I am EVIL... I say, EVIL... Anybody knows that... But what makes me EVIL?
Well, first of all, I am pissed off with the world... Next I hate Barney and KIDs... Then I also hate alot of people... So, if you hate someone, do consider being EVILLE... Consider, not be... even though I said them both, but...
I am back to being evil again... That's good news, you may be confused, so let me tell you one thing... I want to take over the HUMAN WORLD, NOT THE BEASTs WORLD... I lied about not being evil, but I am the Head Strategist... That's for sure...
Heehee... You got confused, huh? Me too... Hah!
If you have any complains in your life, or are considering an eveil plan, be sure to share them with me... I do have a good background of being evil(in the HUMAN world) and good counselling skills... I will try to make a tagboard... I did... But HUMAN technology is so... Funny... It is wierd... Haha... Anyway, I do hope to find time to update this stupid technology and rid the world of you!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Hell... I tell you, hell... HELL, HELL, HELL, HELL, HELLLLLLLL!!!!!!!! I don't have time to read, to write, to eat, not even to sleep! I want to kill someone... I don't know who, I but need to!!!
So, Maria, I need you to rearrange my schedule, no classes... Get Galee to do it for me. No Literature nor Reading plans. You can keep the books for me... No cooking, you could do it for me... No meetings with the Council. I think He will understand... No planning for the city. Get Mark to do it for me... No chess game with Oxiylie(even though I always win)... He'll have to play with himself, then... No special classes. That means no teaching of the secret to mastering the blue in the night... Yeah, that's it... Thanks.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Statue

The Statue, that sounds wierd for a title, don't you think? But, what the heck... Anyway, I am under yet another mission. My previous one was to act evil to lure all bad guys to my lair, it worked of course, but don't tell anyone! Tell tham to come to my blog! Hee hee... I am soooooo good... Time to change my blog description, of course... I hope to see you guys again...
Oh yeah... The title... Ok, ok... I named it the STATUE as I was going to talk about a statue about, me... It looks retarded. It doesn't look like me at all?! Anyway, about the fact that I am a GOODY-GOODY, that is totally UNTRUE... I do swear, but minimal. Hehe... So, if you guys would like to know about my new mission, I am... SUPPOSED TO PROTECT A KID. The kid is of course, a treasure, and since I am the youngest in the Supreme council, I have no choice but to take the mission... SH!T! I sound pretty unorganised because the kid is ruining my life. If the King really pampers me, he would bo knocking at my my door, begging me to let him help me... NOPE! I don't hear...

FINE! WHATEVER... At least I can get some free time.(He showed up)...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

My happy life in the navy...

I had alot of fun in the navy, because I was found by the Supreme Commander and he took me in. He fed the helpless me and I was indebted to him. After that, he promoted me to an advisor. He then recommended me to the Navy. I was treated like royalty everywhere... That was nice... Soon after, I was serving as a commander in many sea invasions(Well, duh? Plae's Plight is an island so of course it was surrounded by sea)... It was like I was pampered by the Supreme Commander... I was and I still am... Hee hee... But being Strategist is tough. They expect you to help the country progress. The Country Of BEASTs of course. We can still live amongst Humans, but if our identity was exposed it would be difficult for the Supreme Council. They consist of :

Supreme Commander(duh?!)

Head Strategist(me)

Head Advisor(Rival)

Head Elite(He is BOORING)

Head Situ(Good person to argue with)

Head Oray(I always get him to babysit me)

Head Knight(He is irritating)

Head Command(No comment)

Head Captain(He's the guy in charge of the Navy)

Head Colonel(She is my only friend whom I can talk to about the fact that the Supreme Commander is pampering me)

These Guys, and Girls are the SUPREME Council. They are in charge of the runnig of the country in different aspects. The Head Situ is you guessed it, in charge of negotiating terms with other leading countries... The SUPREME Council are in short, LEGENDARY. Their power and position are way above others and have high skills, they don't have time to play with me, so I get the Supreme Commander to get his bodyguards to play swords with me... Hee hee... But I seem to be falling asleep lately, and I seem to be littering... I wonder why...

Plae's Plight

You might have heard of Plae's Plight, yes? If not, then you can ask all my fellow duckmates... Plae's Plight is one of the most exotic islands yet. The lush greenery, the hot tropical storms and the vast fields that make up this uninhabited island.
This island is home to the most interesting species of animals, like the tiger, the tropic dogs and the green vipers. These animals, are my comrades, friends and duck mates, although this island is for the training of the BEASTs navy, it is very good for relaxing. I have been in the navy, of course, that is why I am a duck!
The BEASTs are a great species of animals, that have been fused together with human DNA. It is a scientific achievement! Yes it is, sadly, but luckily, I am a BEAST too! BEASTs 'upgrade' themselves by rising through the ranks.
Newborn(normally babies/useless people)
Trans(they trade)
Horsies(they ride horses, duh?)
Cooks(they supply our food)
Oray(They are like bodyguards)
Situ(They are funny people, always negotiating, kinda like human envoys, huh?)
Supreme Commander(Our King)

I can't remember all of them, but you get the point... Anyway, I am not a Lead. Much higher than that!
I am not an Elite, I passed that already. Yes! I AM A STRATEGIST. I take care of the main building that holds all our information, libraries, book houses, The Breek.
The Breek is situated at, you guessed it, Plae's Plight. I have all sorts of access to it... Hee hee...
Well, I have to go. Until then, taa taa!
Signed, The Head Strategist, royal and loyal servant of the Supreme Commander.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mt Dream

Mt Dream is a place where dreams come true... My dream is to fly, like all my ancestors. I also dreamt of lollies last night. I dreamt that I was in a land of lollies. Where trees are lollies, bunnies are lollies and even swings and slides are lollies! I have always wanted to do that... I would like to know what you guys think of lollies and slides and swings, so I will need you guys to teach me how to create TAGBOARD... I always wanted to use the 'caps lock' button... Hee hee... It's so fun!
TAGBOARD, TAGBOARD, TAGBOARD, TAGBOARD, TAGBOARD... Anyway, nice talking, and remember, keep doing good!!

Oh my, I must have fallen asleep again, I'm terribly sorry...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

No plans... I can't run out of them?!

I can't run out of ideas? But... I can't think of anything, I've been at the drawing board for a whole day, besides going to school, eating, bathing, and sleeping... I am out of juice, please, contribute something EVIL!!

To Maria, Luna and Pete :
I am calling out to you guys, cos' you're my bestest buddies... I need something evil, or I will go back to doing good, and becoming a GOODY-GOODY... I don't want to go back like that! I have been thinking... What would happen if i really went back to a GOODY-GOODY... The world would be a disaster... SH!T... I don't want that! I don't! I don't! I don't!!!!!!

Dear me oh me... I am littering... Oh dear, I am writing vulgarities? Oh no! I am a good duck... Good Duck... Yes...

NO! NO! NO! Please, no! I am BAD! Utterly BAD!! I must litter, I must shout vulgarities, I must!


Oh dear... I can't be evil, I must be good... Hee hee... I like lollies... And slides and swings!! Yippee!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hard to KILL

It is HARD TO KILL THAT PURPLE DINOSAUR... For a purple dinosaur, he sure has a lot of guards... Oh well... Back to the drawing borad...
Hi-Five is almost the same... Well, they have less guards, but killing them all in 1 night is HARD! (Well I have to kill them all in one night, or they will tighten their defence the next day...)
Anyway, I have HORRIBLE news...
I have new plans... I shall not share them with you... Haha... You will find out soon... Good luck doing so...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Notices cum even more complaints

ALL RIGHT, I AM PISSSED OFFFFFFF!!!! Who does he think he is?
"You must push and pull water and ice. LIKE THE MOON..."
So what about the moon? It's just a piece of giant rock floating in space! I am done with messing around with the supernatural, being obsessed about the world of the abnormal is seriously WHACK!
I am off to do more reasonable things, like KILLING BARNEY. That should be fun, and easy... Like killing candy from a baby... That way, I'll be able to break all those little KIDDY hearts and crush them! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....

Notice to all ducks :
As I expected, nothing has gone wrong. The "immigration" into China was a sucess. Most of it, that is... Some of us were turned into Peking ducks, roasted ducks, steamed ducks, stewed ducks... WHATEVER! But believe me, you will all be avenged! From China, we will move in on the rest of the world. Those still in the US, I want you to ELIMINATE BARNEY!! Those in Australia, Sydney, you all are to destroy... Umm... wait... one, two, three, four, HI-FIVE!! Yes, Hi- Five. Good luck, and I will be waiting to see Barney's head...

Thank you for your co-operation,


P.S. Say hi to Maria for me... Tell her we will have that spring onion feast in two weeks...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Updates cum more complaints

Throwing rocks is TERRIBLE!! I thought it would be fun, but WTF?! He just keeps saying " Rock is hard and steady, and so should you! You're wobbly like jelly!"
I mean, I am A DUCK!!! How many times must I say this, I AM A DUCK! I AM A DUCK!I AM A DUCKKKKK!!!!!! Argh! Anyway remember to comment!(and admire my picture). Anyways, I am preeety good at kicking, and throwing rocks, so I am off to making instant ice. INSTANT ICE! HAH! No more waiting for the ice to freeze on HOT summers... I can even freeze my pond and make those STUUPID tortoise(s) pay for making me attend that STUUPID funeral of theirs. I mean it's just a FUNERAL! for the dead tortoise.
Yes, and one more thing, I have finally learnt the art of summoning the dead ducks. I even saw one in school today, since I am dressed up as human, I blend in quite well... He was doing the macerina, then the CHA-CHA. It was quite fun, but kinda retarded.
To ALL DUCKS : Notice:

I have explained the point of our trip to Singapore via Plae's Plight. WTF, urgent message, we need to detour. Sorry, but it seems that security is tight around Singapore, We may be able to stop at Korea... It is importing US beef(serves those cows right) and they will be too engrossed in rioting, they won't notice us entering the country and stowing-away on their ship. From US, we will stow-away on other ships and move in on other countries, our main priority are the exports to CHINA. China is now mass-producing, and we can afford to stow-away on those ships to the rest of the world. I hope to see you all in China, hopefully nothing more will crop up...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Complaints cum notices

Well, enough with kicking, huh? I am so sick of it!!

My teacher keeps saying " YOUR LEGS ARE SO SHORT, JUMP MORE!"

I mean, I'm a duck! What duck has long legs?!

F**k that damn...

Anyway, I hope to see and reply some of your comments and that way I'll be able to know more about your weaknesses, and your likes(and dislikes, that should come in handy).

Thank you for visiting, But I am going to throw rocks at people, this should be fun!

I hope.

To all ducks out there : I will meet you at the coast of Gian's Island. Hope to see you all there. From there we move in to Plae's Plight. It is a long journey and I hope you bring some USEFUL stuff along. At Plae's Plight, is a port** waiting to allow us to move in on the port called Singapore. It is a wierd place, but many traders go there, so it should be easy to hide among them, follow them or even stowaway. The third one is the easiest, but we need variety. I'll brief you on that when I meet you at Gian's Island. Taataa!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My introduction!

Hello, as this is my first post, I will introduce myself,
I am an evil genius who lives,
in a POND
Anyway, I am beginning to become more powerful than ever. Soon the world will lie in MY HANDS!
I mean, WINGS. Yes, wings. Don't worry, I will spare ALL who are loyal. Well, taataa!
I must be going on with my Kicking and punching!
Good Bye!