Friday, July 11, 2008

Updates cum more complaints

Throwing rocks is TERRIBLE!! I thought it would be fun, but WTF?! He just keeps saying " Rock is hard and steady, and so should you! You're wobbly like jelly!"
I mean, I am A DUCK!!! How many times must I say this, I AM A DUCK! I AM A DUCK!I AM A DUCKKKKK!!!!!! Argh! Anyway remember to comment!(and admire my picture). Anyways, I am preeety good at kicking, and throwing rocks, so I am off to making instant ice. INSTANT ICE! HAH! No more waiting for the ice to freeze on HOT summers... I can even freeze my pond and make those STUUPID tortoise(s) pay for making me attend that STUUPID funeral of theirs. I mean it's just a FUNERAL! for the dead tortoise.
Yes, and one more thing, I have finally learnt the art of summoning the dead ducks. I even saw one in school today, since I am dressed up as human, I blend in quite well... He was doing the macerina, then the CHA-CHA. It was quite fun, but kinda retarded.
To ALL DUCKS : Notice:

I have explained the point of our trip to Singapore via Plae's Plight. WTF, urgent message, we need to detour. Sorry, but it seems that security is tight around Singapore, We may be able to stop at Korea... It is importing US beef(serves those cows right) and they will be too engrossed in rioting, they won't notice us entering the country and stowing-away on their ship. From US, we will stow-away on other ships and move in on other countries, our main priority are the exports to CHINA. China is now mass-producing, and we can afford to stow-away on those ships to the rest of the world. I hope to see you all in China, hopefully nothing more will crop up...

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