Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I have no idea why I can't stop being EVIL for one day! I need to be EVIL!(sound familliar, huh?) This is my second post for the day... I am very pissed... I don't know why... I just feel like draining the HELL outta someone, or something... Like a vampire... Vampire... That gives me an idea...
Well... Since Project Blue Cosmo was an utter disaster, since I have no idea where to launch our rockets in order to protect ourselves from hitting the moon(the total solar eclipse is coming soon)... Just in case... Since it will be dark for 3 mins, I may just be able to reek HAVOC when the eclipse occurs... Only in the UMBRA AREA, of course... By using vampires, I can use them to suck your blood while you amaze yourselves at the eclipse(though most countries won't see it)...
When all your blood is gone, you will cease to exist! Hahahahaha...

Just so you know, because of the solar eclipse, I will have to postpone that suntanning sessions with the Mountain tortoise(s)... No nagging at me about how my sunglasses look on me... Ha ha!

The umbra region, so you know, is the region of which some spots will be in the region of the shadow of the moon. The Pelumbra region is like a lighter shadow... But it is still considered as a place where the eclipse will occur...

THE SOLAR ECLIPSE, btw, IS ON THE 1st August... This Friday... The day the countries in the umbra region will die!!!

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