Friday, August 8, 2008


The first issue I wish to point out is that, yes I can predict your future, yes it is free. I have a few fortune telling friends whom I have neglected for quite a while, and I wish to apologise to them.


There... Next issue. I am getting angry, very angry. Why? Because the world is no longer worried about others, but themselves. I hate it when others don't spare a thought for each other. I don't need to care, bacause I am a duck, not human. They are no longer so worried about issues like EVIL, or evil doers! They are only concerned about how they feel and not how others feel.

Next issue. I have recieved a message from a girl named Bella(name changed to protect identity). She said:
Dear DOCTOR PSYCHO DUCK, whatever(hey! I am not a "whatever"!)
I am feeling distressed as I think that my face has become oily, and I have pimples all over. whereas other guys and gals don't have as many as I do! I can't help it, I feel unaccepted! I need your help... Please?

Well... uhhhhhh... I have no idea why you feel unaccepted because you didn't tell me! But I can tell you that if your friends tell you you're ugly, then they are trying to say that they are jealous of your special skin. They are jealous bacause they don't have your beautiful type of skin. That's why they tease you and make you feel unaccepted(I think this is what you mean by "unaccepted") Just so you know, if your skin is oily, I don't really know much, but you could take a dip in the bath everyday filled with lots of water and soap, soak yourself for a while, occasionally put your head/face in the water. Your condition will improve sooner or later. Trust me. And just so you know, don't use oil blotters. In the long run, they clog up your pores and you will regret. Have a nice splash of cold water on your face instead. besides, thinking about it, oiler skins tend to retain water better than non-oily skins. if it is that way, you get dehydrated less fast, and your skin stays hydrated! haha. Besides, if that isn't good enough, then I have one more thing to say to you.

What is beauty?

I have,
a perfect skin,
a perfect nose,
a perfect smile.

I have,
a bad hair day,
a bad skin,
a bad waistline.

I have,
a normal hand,
a normal foot,
a normal face.

Am I beautiful?

All three are beautiful. But the third one is best. Just being normal, status-quo. What I am trying to say, is that, I you should love yourself the way you are, you were born like that, a normal kid. That is already a beautiful you. you are a part of nature, and nature chose you to be beautiful. All nature is beautiful! And so am I! haha...
And also, if you wanna know anything in the near future, you could ask me. Yes and no questions are also accepted. not those that you know, of course. they are a waste of my time.

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