Tuesday, August 19, 2008


It is just one more day to 20th August, the end date of all this POETRY. Unless you want me to carry it on to 21st August since, well there ARE 31 days in August. Oh well... I will decide on that day itself. Have you guys ever thought that you were not ready for exams? And feel like skipping it? Yeah, I am sure most feel that way. But I don't care. Literally. I used to think that exams were a burden to carry. They are papers that tell you right in your face that you suck! It is kinda unfair. I know.

But if you look at it the way I do, it may seem different from your perception of "EXAMS". I will and have to put your mind at a different pace.

the act of examining or inspection or inquiry or investigation
the state of being examined
the act or process of testing pupils, candidates, etc., by means of questions
the test itself or the list of questions asked
the answers, statements, etc., made by one examined
Law. formal interrogation

These are the meanings of "examinations" from my dictionary. My brain. It may be the same with different dictionaries, but none the less, this is my definition of "examinations".

Let's not confuse ourselves, and I think all of us are more focused on the second and third one.

Now, when you are tested about something you are unsure of, all the more you will worry, and that's NOT GOOD! I am sure you guys all wanna do well. Or at least, most of you. I don't give a damn. I just get good grades by how good my mood is, or how determined I am. Different people have different types of learning abilities. It just takes time to find out what it is, just have patience, your type of learning will come to you. It is hard for me to tell everyone's learning abilities, so if you would like, you could tell me what you like to do for exams, how you score for that exam and what you like when you study for it!

Crammed up against the wall,
splattered all over his face,
a sight to be in awe,
a towel wrapped his mace.

The shallow sound that peeks beyond,
the pipes beyonder dripping,
he gave a loud bommed yawn,
hoping to scare the fools lurking.

Behind the undergrowth of moss,
the vest stained green,
all who came close would toss,
none dared challenged him.

The fists were strong as oxen,
his feet were mighty as a cheetah,
his heart hot like an oven,
his grip steady as a gorilla.

I think you must be confused, this post did not help much at all... You're probably right, I can't thin of anything more to help you guys, helping people is hard... Doing good is hard, being EVIL is EASY!

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