Monday, August 25, 2008

Love and alot of stuff... And CANARDs!

Lotza love is around and people think that it is nice to be in love. Well, it is lovely to have it when in your 20s-early 30s but anything else is redundant. Teens especially, think that being in love is GOOD! No. 90% of teenagers drop in their grades due to going on dates and such.
I know, I am beginning to sound like a drag. I will stop feeding you with information then... But all I can tell you is that : Love is not blind, it is just totally oblivious to the world.

Next thing, I found out that CANARD is the french word for "duck" So... If you would like to send me any e-mails, you could write in calling me Doctor Psycho Canard. I won't mind. Just spell it right.

Like the soft clouds that drift,
so freely and pretty,
without care or concern
I am so lost without you.

Like the flame that burns,
so steady and righteous,
significant and warm,
I am extinguished without you.

Like the blades of grass,
so merry and free,
with wind between each stalk,
I am insignificant without you.

Like the very drip of rain,
so bright and pure,
dancing in the sun,
I am gone without you.

Like the largest rock,
so strong and stable,
laying still rain or shine,
I am destroyed without you.

Like the love you showered,
so warm and cozy,
so rare and timely,
I am lonely without you.

This is devoted to all teachers far and wide. COPYRIGHTED BY DOCTOR PSYCHO DUCK.
P.S. This poem will be removed if too many people use it.

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